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Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Fine Arts at a Glance (High School)

Writer's picture: Kristina BrownKristina Brown

Art I

1. Foundations (Observation and Perception):

  • A. Consider concepts and ideas from direct observation, original sources, experiences, and imagination for original artwork

  • B. Identify and understand the elements of art, including line, shape, color, texture, form, space, and value, as the fundamentals of art in personal artwork

  • C. Identify and understand the principles of design, including emphasis, repetition/pattern, movement/rhythm, contrast/variety, balance, proportion, and unity, in personal artwork

  • D. Make judgments about the expressive properties such as content, meaning, message, and metaphor of artwork using art vocabulary accurately

2. Creative Expression:

  • A. Use visual solutions to create original artwork by problem solving through direct observation, original sources, experiences, narrations, and imagination

  • B. Communicate a variety of applications for design solutions

  • C. Use an understanding of copyright and public domain to appropriate imagery constituting the main focal point of original artwork when working from images rather than direct observation or imagination

  • D. Create original artwork to communicate thoughts, feelings, ideas, or impressions

  • E. Collaborate to create original works of art

  • F. Demonstrate effective use of art media and tools in drawing, painting

3. Historical and Cultural Relevance:

  • A. Compare and contrast historical and contemporary styles while identifying general themes and trends

  • B. Describe general characteristics in artwork from a variety of cultures, which might also include personal identity and heritage

  • C. Collaborate on community-based art projects

  • D. Compare and contrast career and avocational opportunities in art

4. Critical Evaluation and Response:

  • A. Interpret, evaluate, and justify artistic decisions in artwork by self, peers, and other artists such as that in museums, local galleries, art exhibits, and websites

  • B. Evaluate and analyze artwork using a verbal or written method of critique such as describing the artwork, analyzing the way it is organized, interpreting the artist's intention, and evaluating the success of the artwork

  • C. Construct a physical or electronic portfolio by evaluating and analyzing personal original artwork to provide evidence of learning

  • D. Select and analyze original artwork, portfolios, and exhibitions to form precise conclusions about formal qualities, historical and cultural contexts, intentions, and meanings.


Art II

1. Foundations (Observation and Perception):

  • A. Use visual comparisons to illustrate concepts and ideas from direct observation, original sources, experiences, narration, and imagination for original artworks

  • B. Identify and apply the elements of art, including line, shape, color, texture, form, space, and value, as the fundamentals of art in personal artworks

  • C. Identify and apply the principles of design, including emphasis, repetition/pattern, movement/rhythm, contrast/variety, balance, proportion, and unity in personal artworks

  • D. Explore suitability of art media and processes to express specific ideas such as content, meaning, message, appropriation, and metaphor relating to visual themes of artworks using art vocabulary accurately

2. Creative Expression:

  • A. Create original artwork using multiple solutions from direct observation, original sources, experiences, and imagination in order to expand personal themes that demonstrate artistic intent

  • B. Apply design skills in creating practical applications, clarifying presentations, and examining consumer choices in order to make successful design decisions

  • C. Use an understanding of copyright and public domain to appropriate imagery constituting the main focal point of original artwork when working from images rather than direct observation or imagination

  • D. Create original artwork to communicate thoughts, feelings, ideas, or impressions

  • E. Collaborate to create original works of art

  • F. Select from a variety of art media and tools to communicate specific ideas in drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, fiber art, jewelry, mixed media, photography, and digital art and media

3. Historical and Cultural Relevance:

  • A. Examine selected historical periods or styles of art to identify general themes and trends

  • B. Analyze specific characteristics in artwork from a variety of cultures

  • C. Collaborate on community-based art projects

  • D. Examine and research career, entrepreneurial, and avocational opportunities in art

4. Critical Evaluation and Response:

  • A. Interpret, evaluate, and justify artistic decisions in artwork by self, peers, and other artists such as that in museums, local galleries, art exhibits, and websites

  • B. Evaluate and analyze artwork using a verbal or written method of critique such as describing the artwork, analyzing the way it is organized, interpreting the artist's intention, and evaluating the success of the artwork

  • C. Use responses to artwork critiques to make decisions about future directions in personal work;

  • D. Construct a physical or electronic portfolio by evaluating and analyzing personal original artworks to provide evidence of learning

  • E. Select and analyze original artwork, portfolios, and exhibitions to form precise conclusions about formal qualities, historical and cultural contexts, intentions, and meanings.



1. Foundations (Observation and Perception):

  • A. Analyze visual characteristics of sources to illustrate concepts, demonstrate flexibility in solving problems, create multiple solutions, and think imaginatively

  • B. Compare and contrast the elements of art, including line, shape, color, texture, form, space, and value, as the fundamentals of art in personal artwork

  • C. Identify and apply the principles of design, including emphasis, repetition/pattern, movement/rhythm, contrast/variety, balance, proportion, and unity in personal artworks

  • D. Explore the suitability of art media and processes and select those appropriate to express specific ideas such as content, meaning, message, and metaphor relating to visual themes to interpret the expressive qualities of artwork.

2. Creative Expression:

  • A. Create original artwork using multiple solutions from direct observation, original sources, experiences, and imagination in order to expand personal themes that demonstrate artistic intent

  • B. Solve visual problems and develop multiple solutions for designing ideas, creating practical applications, clarifying presentations, and evaluating consumer choices in order to make successful design decisions

  • C. Use an understanding of copyright and public domain to appropriate imagery constituting the main focal point of original artwork when working from images rather than direct observation or imagination

  • D. Create original artwork to communicate thoughts, feelings, ideas, or impressions; (E) collaborate to create original works of art

  • F. Select from a variety of art media and tools to express intent in drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, fiber art, design, digital art and media, photography, jewelry, and mixed media

3. Historical and Cultural Relevance:

  • A. Research selected historical periods, artists, general themes, trends, and styles of art

  • B. Distinguish the correlation between specific characteristics and influences of various cultures and contemporary artwork

  • C. Collaborate on community-based art projects

  • D. Examine, research, and develop a plan of action for relevant career, entrepreneurial, and avocational art opportunities within a global economy

4. Critical Evaluation and Response:

  • A. Interpret, evaluate, and justify artistic decisions in artwork such as that in museums, local galleries, art exhibits, and websites based on evaluation of developmental progress, competency in problem solving, and a variety of visual ideas

  • B. Evaluate and analyze artwork using a method of critique such as describing the artwork, analyzing the way it is organized, interpreting the artist's intention, and evaluating the success of the artwork

  • C. Analyze personal artwork in order to create a written response such as an artist's statement reflecting intent, inspiration, the elements of art and principles of design within the artwork, and measure of uniqueness

  • D. Use responses to artwork critiques to make decisions about future directions in personal work

  • E. Construct a physical or electronic portfolio by evaluating and analyzing personal original artwork to provide evidence of learning

  • F. Select and analyze original artwork, portfolios, and exhibitions to demonstrate innovation and provide examples of in-depth exploration of qualities such as aesthetics; formal, historical, and cultural contexts; intentions; and meanings


Art IV

1. Foundations (Observation and Perception):

  • A. Consider concepts and themes for personal artwork that integrate an extensive range of visual observations, experiences, and imagination

  • B. Compare and contrast the elements of art, including line, shape, color, texture, form, space, and value, as the fundamentals of art in personal artwork

  • C. Compare and contrast the principles of design, including emphasis, repetition/pattern, movement/rhythm, contrast/variety, balance, proportion, and unity, in personal artwork

  • D. Discriminate between art media and processes to express complex visual relationships such as content, meaning, message, and metaphor using extensive art vocabulary.

2. Creative Expression:

  • A. Produce an original body of artwork that integrates information from a variety of sources, including original sources, and demonstrates sustained self-directed investigations into specific themes such as a series or concentration of works

  • B. Evaluate and justify design ideas and concepts to create a body of personal artwork

  • C. Use an understanding of copyright and public domain to appropriate imagery constituting the main focal point of original artwork when working from images rather than direct observation or imagination

  • D. Create original artwork to communicate thoughts, feelings, ideas, or impressions

  • E. Collaborate to create original works of art

  • F. Create artwork, singularly and in a series, by selecting from a variety of art materials and tools appropriate to course work in drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, fiber art, design, digital art and media, photography, jewelry, and mixed media

3. Historical and Cultural Relevance:

  • A. Research and report on selected historical periods, artists, general themes, trends, and styles of art

  • B. Analyze and evaluate the influence of contemporary cultures on artwork

  • C. Collaborate on community-based art projects

  • D. Examine, research, and develop a plan of action for relevant career or entrepreneurial art opportunities within a global economy, justifying the choice

4. Critical Evaluation and Response:

  • A. Develop evaluative criteria to justify artistic decisions in artwork such as that in museums, local galleries, art exhibits, and websites based on a high level of creativity and expertise in one or more art areas

  • B. Evaluate and analyze artwork using a method of critique such as describing the artwork, analyzing the way it is organized, interpreting the artist's intention, and evaluating the success of the artwork

  • C. Analyze personal artwork in order to create a written response such as an artist's statement reflecting intent, inspiration, the elements of art and principles of design within the artwork, and the measure of uniqueness

  • D. Use responses to artwork critiques to make decisions about future directions in personal work

  • E. Construct a physical or electronic portfolio by evaluating and analyzing personal original artwork to provide evidence of learning

  • F. Evaluate a wide range of artwork to form conclusions about formal qualities, aesthetics, historical and cultural contexts, intents, and meanings



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