Apr 7, 2023

Apr 7, 2023

Feb 4, 2023
Updated: Jan 22, 2023
Background Information: The Classroom Camera Obscura lesson is one of my favorites to kick off the history of photography. The videos that I show about the evolution of photography and how to turn a room into a camera obscura are link in the resources below. The work of Abelardo Morell is also introduced. After the camera obscura classroom transformation, the students continue onto creating their own camera obscuras with various materials. Lesson Plan coming soon The last lesson of this unit is exposing and developing pinhole images in the storage closet turned dark room. Lesson plan also coming soon! | Learning Objectives:
Anchor Standards:
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Enduring Understanding(s):
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Project Duration (2 Days):
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Post Activities:
Project Images:
Happy Inverting!